Two Roads

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." - Robert Frost

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Rope...

With hands held at side, I took a deep breath
Eyes straight ahead, I took a small step.
The tightrope beneath, eternal space up above
No walls, no cushion, not a walk for the faint.
The rope creaked and quivered, my arms lifted slightly
There were drops on my forehead, and my jaw began to tense.
Yet with firm resolution, and fear in my heart
I stepped gently forward with, what some, would call courage.
Eyes peering forward, ears straining for sound
With each balanced step the darkness seemed to grow.
It grew and began to consume what rays of hope there were
It pushed from all around, a laugh of hate I heard.
The snarls of wolves grew strong in my ears
I cried out in pain as they tore at my flesh.
Fear and despair grew deeper and darker
My eyes shifted down and my arms swung for balance.
Where was I now? What hope was there?
What had I done? Would I ever regain control?
My thoughts flew to light, my eyes lifted up
One ray, one spark. It was there, it remained.
As something cold crept up behind I could not see my end
But with gaze fixed I slowly stood, I was not finished yet.
The icy fingers I peeled off, they dropped with a hiss and a curse
And firmly I walked on again, my foot upon the rope.

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