Two Roads

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." - Robert Frost

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Dance

(Kind of a girly taste to this post...hope people don't mind. I was looking through my journals and found it...)

  Life is like a dance. So step up, take His hand, and let God lead. All you have to do is listen to the music and follow...and that is quite enough! Sway back and forth, and focus on Him. When He starts to spin you, don't close your eyes, don't hold your breath, focus on Him! Focus so you don't get dizzy and fall. Look into His eyes. Look deeper. What color are they? What are they saying?
  Look at Him! What is He telling you? Look, it's so intense! Are you blinking? Are you laughing? Are you crying? I can promise you'll do all three, but don't look away. At times you might almost throw up. When the spinning won't stop, you might stumble. At times your hand might start to slip, but don't be afraid, and don't let go! Cry out to Him, refocus, stare deeper still, and cling with all your might. And then the music will begin to slow, and His strong hand will pull you gently in again, and carry you while you rest calmly, quietly, securely in His loving strength.
  Focus. Look into His eyes. Is He blinking? Is He crying? Is He laughing? Look! Look deeper! What color are His eyes? What are they saying, what is He trying to tell you? Listen as His music guides the dance, listen, focus, and don't look away.
  It's so intense!

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