Two Roads

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." - Robert Frost

Monday, August 30, 2010

Little boy in white...

A little boy
in white,
by the pond,
holds a stick
pushes a ball.
No smile,
no frown,
but pleasure
is on his face.

The world can be 
so weird,
so lonely.
Its people 
so strange, and cold.
No smile,
no frown,
but distant
looks of nothing.

Oh to go back,
a child now!
They love, and
hate, but rarely
will they 
to downright

A little boy
in white,
by the pond,
holds a stick
pushes a ball.
No smile,
no frown,
but pleasure
is on his face.


  1. Hey! You have alot of nice poemes!
    Do U write them Uself?

  2. Hey MariaPhoung ;)
    Thank you! Yes, I do write them. Anything you read on here, unless I say it isn't mine, is my writing!:)
